令人傷感的加薩走廊衝突….. 以色列官方怎麼說?




1.這並不是「和平」的示威,那些婦女和孩子都是被哈馬斯恐怖組織利用的對象,在平民的遮掩之下,哈馬斯私下是要攻擊以色列。(這也不是新鮮事,請參考: 為什麼沒有和平?看看哈馬斯挖的地道 )






但在政治立場上,目前巴勒斯坦因為哈瑪斯以及恐怖主義的影響,目標是完全的在這土地上殲滅以色列和猶太人,這個概念不誇張的說,就是去看過去居住在中東國家的猶太人,直到今天還剩下多少人?幾乎都沒有了! (相反來說,以色列的國會卻有阿拉伯人的席次。) 因此從歷史上可以看得出來,面對這樣同性質的「政治訴求」,基督徒的立場為何不能站在巴勒斯坦那邊,而是需要繼續支持以色列。

補充一下一封來自Pastor John Hagee給基督徒的代禱信,原文如下:

Today, you have been hearing that Israeli soldiers are clashing with Palestinian “protestors” at the Gaza border.

These are not protests! Hamas has orchestrated these riots and camouflaged them as peaceful demonstrations. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Shots have been fired from Gaza and terrorists have been trying to breach Israel’s border in an effort to provoke Israel to action.

Hamas sent 250 buses, filled with civilian women and children to the border, and intentionally placed them in danger. Once again exploiting the innocents.

This is a prime example of how the PA chooses to spend their aid dollars. Money meant to help Palestinian civilians is instead being used to put them in harm’s way.

We have every reason to believe that this is to last until May 15th, in yet another attempt to delegitimize Israel as it celebrates its 70th year.

Meanwhile, the U.N. has called an emergency meeting tonight to address the situation as the Arab world is slamming Israel for defending itself and its borders! It is not by accident that this meeting is taking place not only on Shabbat, but also Passover, which means that Israel is unable to be present to defend itself. Accordingly, as Christians we must stand in the gap.

What can you do? As a defender of Israel you must first pray for the peace and protection of the nation and its people, from both terrorists and the U.N. Security Council.

Second, now that you are armed with the truth, you are responsible to disseminate the truth! Watch and share the following video message on your Facebook and other social media platforms immediately.

idf 2018

The time has come, the time is now! For Zion’s sake WE WILL NOT KEEP SILENT.

Pastor John Hagee




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