『大屠殺是她的故事 Ep06 』不可能的會合

前情提要:Max (Sarah的爸爸)從囚禁猶太人的監牢回到家裡,看見昔日擁有的商店被納粹摧毀了,女兒們也在比利時。Hilda (Sarah的媽媽)跟Max要決定下一步,他們什麼都沒有了,他們現在該怎麼做呢?



他們又打聽到可以偷偷躲在火車底下 (當時的火車跟鐵軌之間是有間隙的),因為納粹德國份子只會檢查在火車裡每個人的證件和車票。








『Ep06 The Impossible Reunion 』Recap: Max (Sarah’s father) returned home from prison (where Jews were arrested) and saw that the shop he owned had been destroyed by the Nazis. His daughters were sent to Belgium. Hilda (Sarah’s mother) and Max had to decide what to do next. Nothing was left for them in Germany. What should they do now?
Now that the store has been destroyed by the Nazis and the two daughters have been sent to Belgium, Max and Hilda decide to try their best to get to Belgium. They called their relatives and say they would come and join them. But it was impossible for Jews to flee Germany! The relatives did not hold out hope to see them again.
Max and Hilda found a truck driver who could smuggle them to the Belgian border. But the problem was, how could they get to where the truck driver was from Dortmund? According to the Nuremberg laws, Jews were forbidden to ride the train. So what should they do?
They were told that they could secretly go under the train. Back then, there was a gap between the train and the rails. The Nazis would only check passenger’s ID and ticket on the train. So ideally speaking, as long as they could walk into the train station without raising suspicion, hide under the train when no one was looking, then hang themselves under the train before the train started, and hang on for hours when the train was moving….
It’s easier said than done. They could not have possibly brought any luggage with them, and this would cost their lives if they didn’t hang on tightly.
However, this was the only solution. In order to see their kids again, Max and Hilda did the impossible.
They managed to reach the city near the border, found the truck driver, negotiated the price, and then hid in the hidden compartment between the timber and the truck seats, not visible from outside. Besides them, there were two Jewish teenage girls, they all stood upright in the tiny space.
When they arrived at the checkpoint, the Nazi German soldiers asked the truck driver to open the door to check if anyone was hiding inside. The driver opened the door, and the Nazi soldiers saw only timber, yet one of the soldiers still decided to shoot into the timber to make sure no one was hiding inside. It must be a miracle that no one got hurt.
After leaving the checkpoint, the driver asked for more money from the four passengers because he said the mission was too risky and his truck was damaged. So the four passengers had to pay an additional sum obediently. But after another checkpoint, the truck driver asked for more money. When he asked for money the third time, the two Jewish girls had no more money to give. The truck driver told them to get off.
Max didn’t know these two girls, and they didn’t have any conversation in the car (it was impossible to make a sound), but he couldn’t do nothing. He made an honorable decision, which was also a mitzvah (a commandment to do good). He used the little money he had left to pay for these two girls to save them from being abandoned on the road. Finally, the truck crossed the border and arrived in Belgium. The truck driver left all of them by the road and left.
When Max and Hilda showed up at their relatives’ house in Belgium, no one could believe that they had succeeded! It’s been three months since the 2-year-old Sarah saw her parents again. At first, she did not react, but then she suddenly realized something and started crying loudly. Sarah’s sister Susan, Hilda, and the relatives all cried.
In that hysterical moment, Max made two great decisions in his mind. One was to leave the place where the Nazis would arrive as soon as possible, and the other was that his family would never be separated again.

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