前情提要:Max (Sarah的爸爸)和Hilda (Sarah的媽媽)在比利時與兩個女兒會面了,下一步就是護衛好家人,並且遠離有納粹的歐洲,但是要怎麼做呢?
他們從法國又輾轉到不同地方,剛好在波爾多受到一個叫做索薩·門德斯(Aristides de Sousa Mendes)葡萄牙的外交官幫助,得到了進入葡萄牙的「生命」簽證。這個外交官很特別,在第二次大戰時間,他利用他的職位,發送生命簽證給正在逃離納粹德國的歐洲難民,作為天主教徒的他說:「我想與神同工,而不是跟敵對神的人童工。」但葡萄牙政府發現他不斷發送簽證後,撤銷他的職位。(1966年時以色列大屠殺紀念館Yad Vashem頒發「國際義人」的榮譽給這位外交官,感謝他在大屠殺時期冒著生命危險救了3萬人,其中有1萬名猶太人)

“Ep07 From Europe to Cuba”
Previous story summary: Max (Sarah’s father) and Hilda (Sarah’s mother) reunited with their two daughters in Belgium. The next step was to protect the family and stay away from the Nazis in Europe, but what could they do?
Max made a decision that the family would never separate from each other and they would get out from any country invaded by Nazis. After staying in Belgium for a year, Max took his family to a small Catholic village in France by train. They arrived on a Friday when the Catholics were banned from eating meat. But the Catholic priest pitied these poor Jews who came to take refuge, and provided them a nice meal with meat! It was an extra kind deed to give meat to the Jews. Of course, they would not know the dietary laws of Jews and the meat they had was pork. Even in times of trouble Jews didn’t eat pork. So most of them found excuses and refused. The Max family and other Jewish families worked and lived in the vineyard in this small village. Even Sarah’s 8-year-old sister Susan also had the job of delivering lunch for the men.
This peaceful life didn’t last long, a few months later some French police came and arrested all the Jewish men from the village. Along with other women, Hilda went to the police station again, protested in French: “Let our men go! They are innocent! They are working!”
Perhaps the French police were just following the rules, and they didn’t know why they should keep the Jewish men arrested. After a few hours, the police decided to let them go. This was the second time Hilda has rescued her husband from prison.
This event told Max that he had to leave again. They traveled from France to different places and happened to be in Bordeaux where they received the help of a Portuguese diplomat named Aristides de Sousa Mendes. With his help, Max obtained a “life” visa to enter Portugal. This diplomat was very special. During World War II, he used his position to give life visas to European refugees fleeing Nazi Germany. As a Catholic, he said: “I want to work with God, not with people who work against Him. ” But the Portuguese government revoked his position after discovering that he kept giving away visas. (In 1966, Yad Vashem awarded the honor of “Righteous of Nations” to the diplomat, thanking him for risking his life during the Holocaust and saving 30,000 people, including 10,000 Jews)
The war had not reached Portugal yet, and the visa allowed Max to take his family there. It took Max 2.5 years fleeing from Germany to Portugal. In Portugal, Hilda became pregnant with her third child. This made Max even more determined to leave Europe as soon as possible. He went to different embassies every day just to get a visa to leave Europe, but they all rejected him. After weeks of trying, perhaps because of his experience as a diamond cutter, he got a visa from the Cuban embassy! The whole family could now leave Europe with just a ticket away!
Did the whole family manage to flee Europe?

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