『大屠殺是她的故事 Ep05 』一個年輕女性的勇敢 The Bravery of a Young Woman

前情提要:1939年那晚,水晶之夜,Max (Sarah的爸爸)被納粹抓到監牢裡,Hilda (Sarah的媽媽)一個人帶2個小孩,該怎麼辦?










” Ep05 The Bravery of a Young Woman”

Recap: On the night of Kristallnacht in 1939, Max (Sarah’s father) was taken to prison by the Nazis, and Hilda (Sarah’s mother) was alone with 2 children. What would she do?

The 26-year-old Hilda faced all these pressures and difficulties alone. Her parents were not around to help her because as soon as Hitler became the chancellor of Germany in 1933, they immediately immigrated to Israel which was called Palestine at that time. If the British didn’t limit the number of Jewish immigrants to Palestine, then she and Max would have gone to Palestine long ago.

Hilda didn’t sit home and cry. She came to the prison alone with her husband’s coat and watch. The jailer kindly told her: “Don’t give him the watch, he won’t keep it for long. They will be sent to the work camp soon.” What horrible news! At the moment, no one knew why the Jews were arrested, how long they would be imprisoned, what would happen next, and no one knew what the next fate of the Jews would be. But she knew that if the Jews were to be sent to another place, it meant that the situation was serious and she had to act. The first thing she had to do was to protect the children, she had to send them out of Germany as soon as possible!

Hilda remembered Max’s relatives, the Frisch family in Belgium. They sympathized the situation in Germany and of course were willing to help Hilda’s two children. But how? Luckily, the Frisch family also had two daughters of similar age, so the plan was to let their nanny come to Germany with two real passports (or travel documents) to pick up Sarah (age 2) and her sister Susan (age 6). They would pretend these were two Belgian children who came to Germany for medical treatment and were now returning to Belgium. Hilda acted and took her daughters to the train station and gave it to this nanny. No mother would take this risk of sending her own children away unless it was necessary. Along the way, although Susan was young, she already knew she had to shush Sarah and not make sounds. After all, they should be children from Belgium and they were not supposed to speak German.

Hilda got a phone call shortly that the girls had arrived safely. But what about her and her husband Max? She asked friends and other relatives how to get her husband out of prison. In 1939, they were ready to go to the United States, but they were stuck on visas. The United States had quotas based on the country of birth. Hilda and her two daughters were born in Germany, so the three of them got visas. But Max was born in Poland, the quota for Poles that year had already been used up so he didn’t get a visa. The family did not want to be separated, so they chose to stay in Germany together. Hilda never knew what a forged document was, but the situation was serious. A visa from another country was required to leave Germany, so she went to the forger to modify the dates of the three expired visas, and then created a fourth forged visa for Max in the same way. She presented the fake visa to the jailer and paid an unavoidable bribe to rescue her husband from prison. She was just in time because Max was already in the courtyard waiting to be loaded on a truck to the so-called work camps on that day.

Max returned home and saw that the shop he owned had been destroyed by the Nazis. He also learned that his daughters were not in Germany and were now safe in Belgium. Hilda and Max had to decide what to do next. Nothing was left for them in Germany. What should they do now? (Story to be continued)

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