訪談內容的英文原稿和中文翻譯都是我慢慢打出來的…. 雖然我不擁有版權,但如果要轉用的話,麻煩順手也提一下出處!謝謝!

主持人:「1917年,英國外務大臣亞瑟·貝爾福(Arthur Belfour)寫了一封信,宣布他的轉變,認為猶太人應該在以色列建立一個猶太民族的家園。 這份《貝爾福宣言》被認為是現代以色列最具創始性的文件。為紀念這個紀念成立100週年,以色列總理內塔尼亞胡已經來到倫敦。 對一些人來說,他是猶太人的捍衛者,而對於其他人來說,他是最堅強的強硬派,致力於擴大巴勒斯坦阿拉伯人所看到的和平的障礙。 今天他在我們現場,總理歡迎。」
AM, In 1917, the British foreign Secretary Arthur Belfour wrote a letter announcing his conversions to the idea that the Jewish people should have a national home in Israel. This Belfour declaration is regarded as the most founding documents of the modern Israel… And to celebrate it’s 100th anniversary, Israel’s prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu has come to London. To some, he’s the defender of the Jewish people, to others he’s the bellycoast hardliner dedicated in expanding the very settlements seen by the Palestinian Arabs the obstacles to peace. He joins me now. Welcome, prime minister.
總理:「好的部份講的比較少耶!」 (譯:半開玩笑)
BN, The good part is shorter than the bad part.
主持人:「好,讓我來講不好的部分。 《貝爾福宣言》第二部分確實有說『不許做任何會損害巴勒斯坦現有的非猶太社區的公民權利和宗教權利的事情』。 你真的可以說這是你的政府所堅持的嗎?」 (譯:非常犀利的問題!開門見山!!)
AM, Well, let me turn to the bad part. The second bit of the Balfour declaration which does say “Nothing shall be done which makes prejudice to civil and religious rights of the existing non-Jewish community in Palestine.” Can you really say that’s been held to by your government?
總理 (00:52):「他們說的是談論公民權利和宗教權利,而事實上,以色列的阿拉伯公民是中東地區唯一享有真正公民權利的阿拉伯人,很悲哀的中東其他地方並不像以色列給他們公民和宗教自由的保護。當然有公民權! 最高法院法官是阿拉伯人,很多部長也是,還有我的政府官員都有是阿拉伯人和德魯茲人。 議會成員裡也有阿拉伯人。甚至我想在公民生活中看到更多的阿拉伯人的參與..」 (譯:這是很具體的事實,總理這樣回答,英國應該不能說什麼了)
BN (00:52), They talk about the civil and religious rights. And in fact, Israel’s Arab citizens are the only ones in the Middle East who enjoy genuine civil rights and religious freedom is protected in Israel as nowhere else tragically in the Middle East. And civil rights, of course! Supreme Court judge is an Arab, ministers, and I’m quoting from my government who are Arab and Druze. Members in the parliament are Arab and so on. I would like to see more of the Arab.. in civil life.
主持人 (01:20):「在以色列和被佔領土上有相當嚴重的侵犯人權的行為。 根據《人權觀察》,我來讀一段:『無論是被軍事法庭監禁還是被無理擊斃的兒童、因為缺乏難以捉摸的許可證而被拆除的房屋、還有唯有屯墾區居住者才能通過檢查站,在這50年的佔領中,幾乎沒有巴勒斯坦人能夠逃避嚴重的虐待』。另外,《國際特赦組織》也說了同樣的事情:『以色列部隊在以色列和被佔領的巴勒斯坦領土非法殺害了包括兒童在內的巴勒斯坦平民,並在從被佔領的巴勒斯坦領土中扣留數千名反對以色列持續的軍事佔領的巴勒斯坦人、還有數百人被行政拘留。 對被拘留者的酷刑和其他虐待依然猖獗,而且有罪不罰。』 ,這並不符合宣言的精神。」(譯:英國主持人再度拿兩個國際組織對以色列侵犯人權的控訴,來質問總理…)
AM (01:20), In Israel and in the occupied Territories there are pretty gross human rights abuses. Human Rights Watch. Let me read you this. “Whether it’s a child imprisoned by military court or shot unjustifiably, house demolished for lack of elusive permit, check-points only settlers are allowed to pass. Few Palestinians escaped serious right abuses during the 50-year occupation. ” And again, Amnesty International said the same thing, “Israeli forces unlawfully killed Palestinian civilians, including children, in both Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories, and detained thousands of Palestinians from the OPT who opposed Israel’s continuing military occupation, holding hundreds in administrative detention. Torture and other of detainees remained rife and was committed with impunity. ” That’s not in the spirit of declaration.

總理 (02:09):「我完全反駁關於酷刑的論點、我完全反駁這裡的陳述,因為沒有哪個國家的民主受到的威脅能和以色列的比,敵人要的是我們的毀滅、而且已經向我們射數千枚導彈。 試想一下,有成千上萬的導彈要射向倫敦。 其實你不需要想像,以前就發生過,你想想 retribution發生的事。 但我們沒有這樣做。 我們以道德的方式行事。 我們有軍隊,世界上比我們更有道德的軍隊了。 我認為我為以色列參與的仗有一部分是處理這些謊言,而且我完全不內疚。 我認為,以色列很明顯的是民主的燈塔,是一個在困境中、在意欲摧毀以色列的暴力襲擊中卻有自我克制的燈塔。 我以此為榜樣,因為中東地區其他國家都數這樣。」(譯:強烈建議各位去原影片看納坦雅胡面對指控時的自信,太厲害了!他直接否定指控,然後又搬出事實,真的是總理….)
BN (02:09). I completely dispute the arguments about torture. And I completely dispute the … statement here because no democracy has been threatened like Israel with enemies to seek our destruction, fired thousands of missiles on us. Just imagine, thousands and thousands missiles on London. Actually you don’t have to imagine. You had it. Look at what was done in retribution. But we haven’t done that. We act in moral ways. We have army, theres’ no more moral army in the world. I think part of the battle with Israel that I’m involved with is to dispose these lies. And I have no compunction in doing so. I think Israel stands out as a beacon of democracy, a beacon of self-restrained in a sea of troubles, in the violent attacks that meant to destroy Israel. And I would service as an example because others in the region do not do this.
主持人:「如果有一件事讓這個國家的許多支持以色列的猶太社區領導人失望,那就是屯墾區的推動。 你自己的國防部長說,自從2009年以來,東耶路撒冷和西岸這些敏感地區的屯墾區增建速度比其他任何時候都要快。你在推動這事,而這是造成猶太人、還有這個政府絕望的最大原因。」(譯:這是個重要議題,但主持人措辭也太強烈了吧!)
AM. If there’s one thing that upsets supporters of Israel including many Jewish community leaders in this country, it’s the push of settlements. Your own defense minister said the rate of settlements in sensitive areas like East Jerusalem and the West Bank is faster than other areas anytime since 2009. You are pushing ahead, and this is the one thing that make Jewish people despair, including this government.
總理 (03:30):「我認為屯墾區是個問題,但我不認為這是最大的問題。 最大的問題是巴勒斯坦領導層100年來堅持拒絕承認猶太國家和任何邊界。 如果這個問題能夠解決,那麼包括屯墾區在內的所有問題都會得到解決。 我認為猶太人不能生活在猶太地區(Judea)的想法是很莫名的!」(譯:我覺得外界很難懂中東世界的複雜,不承認以色列就代表隨時要除掉以色列,假裝不會有戰爭和危險,要個表面上的和平是沒有用的…. )
BN(03:30). I think the settlement is an issue, I don’t think it’s THE issue. The issue is the 100-year old persistent refusal of the Palestine leadership to recognize Jewish state and any boundary. If that will be removed, then all the issues including the settlements will be resolved. I think the idea that the Jews cannot live in Judea is crazy!

主持人 (04:00):「目前這是巴勒斯坦領土,你正在把你的..」
AM (04:00). At the moment this is Palestinian Territories, and you are putting what you..
總理 :「它是有爭議的領土和巴勒斯坦…」
BN. It’s disputed territories, and Palestine…
主持人 :「聯合國.. (指控以色列?).. 違反國際法。」(譯:我聽不清楚)
AM. The UN .. violation to international law.
總理 :「聯合國還說、聯合國教科文組織說,猶太人與耶路撒冷沒有任何關係,讓他們去跟三千年前的所羅門王和大衛王說! 我認為事實是不同的,但核心的事實是這樣的。屯墾區點不是的主要問題,因為..」 (被打岔)
BN. The UN also says that (UNESCO) says that the Jewish people have no connection to Jerusalem. Tell that to king Solomon and king David 3000 years ago! I think the facts are different, but the central fact is this. The settlement is a side issue because ..
主持人 :「我認為對巴勒斯坦人不是」
AM. Well I think for the Palestinians it’s not.
總理 (04:32):「我認為是,因為當我們從加沙撤走所有屯墾區據點的時候。 『回到1967年線,搬離所有的屯墾區』,我們照做了,可是加薩並沒有變得和平。加薩從加薩發射了數千枚火箭到以色列,是我們原來清除的。 我問他們,我說:『你們為什麼要這樣做?是為了要解放巴勒斯坦人住的另一部分,約旦河西岸嗎?』 他們說:『呃,也是,但其實不是,我們要解放的是巴勒斯坦,包含特拉維夫、耶路撒冷、雅法、阿克。」(譯:除了耶路撒冷,這些城市從1948年直到現在都是以色列的領土,並無爭議,總理這樣提的目的是表達巴勒斯坦人要的不是和平,而是要見到猶太人的完全毀滅)
BN (04:32). Well I think it is, too. Because when we removed all the settlements from Gaza. “Go back to the 1967 line, take away all the settlements”, which we did. Gaza didn’t become peaceful. Gaza launched thousands of rockets from Gaza that we vacated against Israel. And I asked them, I said “Why are you doing this? Is it to liberate the West Bank, where the other part of the Palestinian live.” They said, “Hmmm yeah that too, but no, we want to liberate Palestine. Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Jaffa. Akko.”
主持人 :「所以你正在和哈馬斯進行一場戰爭,他們剛與巴勒斯坦民族解放運動(Fatah)有了合作。 在這方面你會區分巴勒斯坦民族解放運動和哈馬斯嗎?」
AM. So you’re in a war with Hamas. They have nailed down a deal with FATAH. Do you distinguish FATAH with Hamas in this regard?

總理 (05:15):「是的,我會,因為哈馬斯的目標是摧毀以色列並將其轉化為恐怖行為,巴勒斯坦權力機構並非如此。 人們希望會是哈馬斯改變立場,而不是巴勒斯坦權力機構轉移到哈馬斯。 我會這樣說:為了和平的團結,是好的。 為了毀滅以色列的團結是不好的。」
BN(05:15) Yes I do, because Hamas takes its goal of destroying Israel and translates it into acts of terror. That is not the case with Palestinian authority. And one would hope that Hamas would move that position and not have Palestinian authority move to Hamas! I would say this: Unity for peace, is good. Unity for the destruction of Israel, is bad.
主持人 :「然而很清楚的是,你對加薩的政策不起作用。 在加薩設法庭、限制進出的政策等,因為加薩內部駭人聽聞的人權,實際上增加了哈馬斯在加沙的勢力、動員了加薩地帶的居民。 這個政策根本就行不通!」
AM. What’s also clear however is your policy for Gaza is not working. Policy of having a court around Gaza, restricting what can come in and out. It has actually increased the power of Hamas in Gaza and mobilized the population behind Gaza because the appalling human rights inside Gaza. This policy is simply NOT WORKING!
總理 (06:05):「加薩是被佔領的土地…. 被哈馬斯佔領!哈瑪斯有3萬名武裝暴徒,他們定期殺害加薩人。 他們並沒有砍斷他們的頭,但差不多就是這個意思,劊子手是用AK47子彈殺害任何想要賑濟加薩人的脖子後面。那這是我們所做的,這是我個人所做的….」
BN (06:05). Gaza is occupied… by Hamas. Hamas is 30,000 armed thugs, which they periodically execute Gazans. They don’t cut off their heads but they pretty much do the same. The executioners put an AK47 bullet right in the back of the neck of any who relieve the people of Gaza from this. Here’s what we’ve done. Here’s what I’ve done!

主持人 :「你也在那裡殺了很多人!」(譯:這主持人也太帶刺)
AM. You shot a lot of people in there too!
總理:「我開放了邊境口岸,每天1000輛卡車運送物品、食物、藥品,所有你可以想像的,只要他們不是武器,我支持無限的補給到加薩。 事實上,沒有哪個國家比以色列更關心加薩的人口,因為我們跟加薩人沒有戰爭,但我們和劫持他們的人有戰爭。我希望有天我們能除掉哈馬斯,那麼我們就能擁有一個美好的未來。」
BN. I have opened up border crossings to enable 1000 trucks a day of goods, food, medicine anything you can imagine. I support unlimited supplies go to Gaza as long as they are not weapons. In fact, there’s one country, Israel, more than any others that’s actually taking care of population of Gaza because we have no quarrel with the population. We do have a quarrel with those who hijacked them. One day I hope we’ll be able to get ride of Hamas, then we can have a glorious future.
主持人 :「我們來看未來的景況,因為你很生動的描述了巴勒斯坦領土,你說我們不能擁有的是一個與以色列為敵的武裝國家在以色列的邊界上,我們不能接受。所以你用的詞是『巴勒斯坦實體』,你是在暗示巴勒斯坦人可能獲得的地位是在以色列境內的自治國?」(譯:我並不覺得在這段對話,總理有這樣講過)
AM. Let’s look at the picture because you described the Palestinian territory very vividly, you said what we can’t have is an armed, hostile anti-Israeli state sitting on our border. We just can’t have that. And therefore you’ve used the word Palestine entity. Are you suggesting what Palestinian might get is a status of a self-governing territory inside greater Israel?
BN (07:50). I think they should have all the powers of govern themselves, and not to have powers to threaten us.
主持人 :「換句話說,就不是一個完整的地位。」
AM. Fall short of a full state, in another words.
總理:「我想說的是,現實中的中東是充滿了失敗的國家、準失敗、和正在崩潰的國家,意味著如果我們從一個地區撤出我們的安全控制,那麼不可避免會發生的是伊斯蘭激進分子的出現。 像是Dash、ISIS、由伊朗支持的哈瑪斯,任一個都對我們、巴勒斯坦人和黎巴嫩人都是很糟糕的。 你剛剛聽到黎巴嫩總理哈里裡的辭呈。 基本上xxx接手了,就意味著伊拉克接管了。 我認為這是給每個人的警鐘, 它代表中東真正經歷的是什麼、還有伊朗征服中東的企圖,要主宰被征服者。我們應該阻止這個伊朗的接管。」(譯:xxx是我寫的,我不知道他說的是誰…)
BN. I’d say the reality in the Middle East which is peppered with failed states and pre-failed states, collapsing states means if we withdraw our security controlled from an area, what happens invariably is militant Islam comes in. Dash, ISIS, Hamas back by Iran, either one is horrible not only for us but also for the Palestinians, the Lebanese. You just heard Hariri, the prime minister of Lebanon resigning. Basically xxx took over, which means Iraq took over. And I think it’s a wake-up call for everyone. It says what the Middle East is really experiencing, it says the attempt of Iran to conquer the Middle East, to dominated the subjugated. We should stop this Iranian take-over.
主持人 :「在我看來,每個人都想要兩國解決方案! 可是你的口氣是兩國制已經不可能,而要轉向一國制的解決方案。」(譯:我並不覺得在這段對話,總理有這樣講過)
AM. It seems to me like everybody wants two-state solution! The way you’re talking is more ore less the two-state solution is over, and moving to a different solution, a one-state solution.

總理(09:15):「不,我並不想要一個一國制的解決方案,我會講得很清楚,我要確定的是在我們旁邊的人並不威脅到我們的生活。旁邊的國家是怎麼樣差很多!是哥斯大黎加還是北韓?是另一個小伊朗還是盧森堡? 當人們提起兩國時,沒有提到這方面。那如果另一國並不承認以色列,就像巴勒斯坦人仍然拒絕承認以色列,那麼這只是變成一個繼續對猶太國家發動戰爭的平台。 我認為你必須更具體一些,並且說:『不,我們要的是被承認,在宣言後一百年終於被巴勒斯坦承認的猶太國家,時間差不多了!該要承認一個猶太國家,還有我們要確保巴勒斯坦人沒有摧毀我們的武器。』」
BN (09:15). No I don’t want a one-state solution, I’ll be clear about that. But I want to be sure what we have next to us is not threatening our lives. It really makes a difference what the other state is. Is it Costa Rica or North Korea? Is it another mini-Iran or is is Luxembourg? Nobody says that when you say two-state! The other state, if it does not recognize Israel, which the Palestinians still refuse to do then it merely becomes a platform for continuing the war against one Jewish state. I think you’ll have to be more specific and say “No! What we want is the recognition finally after 100-year of Balfour Declaration finally recognizing a Jewish State. It’s about time! Recognizing a Jewish state, and let’s make sure Palestinians do not have weapons to destroy us.
- 「巴勒斯坦」一詞是從何時開始用起?貝爾福宣言中的「巴勒斯坦」,究竟指的是以色列立國時的「巴勒斯坦」時報還是「巴勒斯坦」解放組織?
- 「1948年的阿拉伯人」為何?為何以色列的阿拉伯人能當部長?為何反而中東國家的猶太人在1948年後都被驅逐出境?
- 「1948年的阿拉伯人」與「巴勒斯坦人」之間的血緣關聯為何?以色列和中東國家的阿拉伯人是怎麼對待這兩個族群
- 如何證實巴勒斯坦解放組織不承認以色列是個合法的猶太國家?(可從過去發動了幾次中東戰爭來算…)
- 巴勒斯坦解放組織對「巴勒斯坦」的定義為何?是否最終目的為殲滅以色列及猶太人?是否能證實此動機?(可從新聞稿、攻擊事件來看)
- 雙方的政府是如何教育自己的人民關於「和平」? 巴勒斯坦年輕自殺炸彈客或「聖戰士」從哪來?
- 關於以色列國防軍(IDF),是否有資料能證實他們是全世界最有道德的軍隊?新聞謠言說他們濫殺兒童、搶掠民宅的說法從哪來?可信嗎?那以色列軍隊照顧了多少攻擊未遂者、是否有數據?
- 雙方的政府對「和平」的努力做了什麼?過去有幾次談判?是否巴勒斯坦開的條件始終是「退回1967年的線之前」否則免談?以色列是否能再失去耶路撒冷的情況下做個猶太國?
- 以色列在1967年贖罪日戰爭所佔領的土地,佔了多少,又為了和平的緣故還了多少地,以及是否從中真的換取和平??
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